Tillnamn är inte helt ovanligt i historien. Oftast, men inte alltid gäller det kungligheter. Eftersom tillnamnen inte är officiella är gränsen till smek- och öknamn oklar. Namnen kan också delas ut på ett språk och sedan översättas på olika sätt till andra språk, vilket, i kombination med att ord ändrar betydelse över tid, ibland ger […]
Kscript in Visual Studio Code (VSC)
Kotlin was created and is developed by JetBrains, a company that sells a development software called IntelliJ. That is the natural tool for writing kotlin programs. But for people who do not want to pay the licens for IntelliJ, or who wants a tool with smaller memory footprint, or who uses many different languages, Microsoft’s […]
Run a shell script from Finder with a file argument
If you want to run a shell script from finder, the easiest way is to rust give the shell script file the suffix command, and the script will run when you double-click it. But what if you want to run a script with a file as argument? Perhaps you have written a script that copies […]
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Getting started with SMILE with Kotlin
I started using Python and scikit-learn for my machine-learning projects, but soon ran out of patience with Python. In my humble opinon it is a toy language that you can use for toy projects, but if you want to build something real you want to use a real language, with types, and that is where […]
Adding a jar to your local Maven repository
Background Since I do not work as a system developer, but rather use programming to solve other tasks, I have not bothered to learn details about Maven or Gradle or even Ant. I build large projects in Eclipse, produce a jar and put that jar on my classpath. It has worked well for me. However, […]